
Fantastic Orgy (1977) - Carlos Tobalina

FANTASTIC ORGY is ostensibly the story of Iris Medina (THE ULTIMATE PLEASURE), a woman so horny she seeks out a job working behind the scenes in pornography. What is really is, is a compilation of just about every outtake Tobalina shot for HER FINAL FLING (including takes botched by mis-threading the film which Medina explains as her fault because she was too turned on while loading the camera), THE ULTIMATE PLEASURE, I AM ALWAYS READY, and probably whatever else Tobalina shot in 1977. Medina (or whoever dubs her) monotonously rambles on in voice-over about how horny all of the onscreen sex is making her, as well as espousing Tobalina's pornographic utopian myth that pornographic actors have sex on camera purely for the pleasure they bring their audiences and each other (as well as the idea that starlets don't mind at all giving the horned up crew some relief between takes for the good of the film). Eventually, Iris gets to appear on camera, first in a clothed cameo in one of the HER FINAL FLING orgies, and then in a realization of her fantasy of having sex with John Holmes (who can be seen elsewhere sitting off-camera during an orgy looking bored). The fact that Iris has to point out the presences of Holmes, Annette Haven (DRACULA SUCKS), Sharon Thorpe (BABY ROSEMARY) and Ken Scudder (PRETTY PEACHES) pretty much reflects how interchangeable they are with any of the other orgy participants (as opposed to films we usually remember them from where they get to not only perform but also convey some of their personalities onscreen). Leslie Bovee and Paul Thomas (referred to by Medina in voice-over as "Philip", as in his real name Philip Charles Toubus) also appear in outtake footage (as well as Joey Silvera in some black and white footage).

