
Sangen om den røde rubin AKA The Song of the Red Ruby (1970) - Annelise Meineche

A young, idealistic business student has ambitions to be a concert pianist, but his obsession with beautiful women keeps him from achieving his goal. To earn money for his tuition, he takes a job as headmaster of a small girls' school. There his weakness for beautiful women is put to the test when he is pursued by a bevy of sexy coeds. The film is based on a novel by Agnar Mykle.

Starring: Ole Søltoft, Ghita Nørby, Lisbet Lundquist, Annie Birgit Garde, Arthur Jensen, Karl Stegger, Poul Bundgaard, Paul Hagen, Lotte Horne, Lise-Lotte Norup & Per Pallesen.

