Obcenities of men! or really is it women?, 9 February 2006
Author: JSlick from Santa Fe, New Mexico
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Wow! Quando l'amore è oscenità, or more commonly known as Oscenità, is a very rare and hard to find film. I only know of two sources which carry it. Of all the hype I've heard of this little known rarity, it does stand up to what is said. This movie does deliver the goods. This masterpiece directed by Renato Polselli (aka Ralph Brown) was made in 73, but censors deemed the movie to obscure towards women. The films dialog was changed and not released until 79, taking on a different approach-now aimed at masculine perversions. Oscenità surely beats out the "sexploitation" competition by D'Amato and others. The film presents an array of nasties, from intercourse with a tree branch, candle masturbation, whipping, switchblade foreplay, orgies in the presence of animals, a woman urinating in a bucket, black magic lesbian rituals, toe masturbation, women fooling around with a real corn on the cobb, and last but not least; a scene with a woman and a donkey, which makes the one in Emanuelle in America seem very tame!! The film is only in Italian with no subtitles. The picture was not the best quality (which I think actually adds a surreal look to the film), but it was a very interesting viewing experience. I highly recommended this film for fans of exploitation and the obscure.

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