On the subject of short but brilliant careers, what better example is there than Constance Money. This gorgeous little blonde, justly famous after starring in Henry Paris' "The Opening of Misty Beethoven" in 1976, capitalized on her box office appeal with the superb "Mary, Mary" in the same year. In one of her interviews Connie said that unlike "Misty" (which she hated along with its director, partly because Paris took 6 months to shoot it and partly because he coined her nom-de-porn which with some justification she found silly), she loved "Mary, Mary" and considered it a superior film. Personally, I wouldn't go as far; the efforts are not comparable: their scale and aspirations are radically different. Mary, Mary is a fluffy little film on the subject of a liberated businessman (John Leslie) who, when faced with a grevious case of premature ejaculatis, sells his soul to the Devil in exchange for an all powerful aphrodisiac. Sure enough, the Devil (the Arranger is the proper name in this film) produces a miracle paste that when rubbed or ingested or otherwise consumed produces more wood than the whole of Canada. A lot of fucking ensues (of course culminating in a climactic orgy in which the Arranger comes down, kills off the particpants and carries off Connie into the sunset. A brilliant, sexy romp and perhaps Constance Money's finest flick.
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