Mid 1970's Jean Rollin porn opus which is credited to one of his many pseudonyms, Michel Gand. His involvement with this film varies upon the source material but I think his influence can be seen in the finished product. In the context of his hardcore film output.
The film begins with Élisabeth Buré, in her brunette phase, getting ready to dress while being watched by Richard Lemieuvre on the bed. this proceeds to sex. Catherine Castel is waiting impatiently in another room. She goes to investigate and joins in for awhile then leaves. Guy Royer arrives and he and Catherine Castel have sex on a couch while watching a porn film. Frequent intercutting occurs between the film within a film and what is going on on the couch.
In the film within a film three girls are having a lesbian session in the woods. One is the brunette in the first scene of Vibrations Sexuelles (Emmanuelle Rivière). The other two are Catherine Castel with curlier hair and not looking so pregnant as in the main film and Carole Gire. They see a man (Jean-Louis Vattier) urinating against a tree and coerce his involvement. His wife (Gaëlle Siril) soon arrives and she is also included the ever increasing group orgy. A policemen arrives [Jacques Marbeuf]and the husband and wife flee. The cop then 'inspects' the naked girls and has his way with them. They then peep on another couple, another brunette, Veronique Aubert, with Cyril Val and have sex while doing so. Meanwhile in the apartment Catherine Castel and Guy Royer take a bath together (including golden showers) while Élisabeth Buré peeps on them and eventually joins the sexual activity.
