Note: Fuck You (Asshole Version) is one of the rarer Nick Zedd films. It is essentially an early primitive version of the director's highly experimental (anti)pornographic collage film Whoregasm (1988), albeit with dual-projection, different coloring and music, and at about half the running time. Fuck You (Asshole Version) is also missing the 'sex tape' footage between Zedd and his then-girlfriend Susan Manson. It also lacks a title screen and concludes just as abruptly as it begins. Additionally, Whoregasm begins and ends with an image of an eyeball. Zedd would also incorporate some of the Whoregasm footage into his feature War Is Menstrual Envy (1992).
While certainly pornographic like Whoregasm (both films incorporate vintage porn loops), Fuck You (Asshole Version) lacks much of the homoerotic imagery that made Whoregasm so subversive.
Apparently, Fuck You (Asshole Version) was released once as a bonus feature on a VHS release of Zedd's Police State. Like both Whoregasm and War Is Menstrual Envy, Fuck You (Asshole Version) incorporates outtakes from Police State.
While I appreciate dual-projection, I personally prefer Whoregasm.
Music: "The Good and The Bad" by Sonic Youth

From Deathtripping: The Extreme Underground by Jack Sargeant:
"Zedd still screens WHOREGASM as a two screen double projection, and one video edit of this exists under the spurious title FUCK YOU (ASSHOLE VERSION). A single projection version of WHOREGASM has also been released on video. Neither of these versions are particularly satisfactory, illustrating the major problem with video when film goes beyond its traditionally prescribed limits."
