
Easy Alice (1975) - Joey Silvera

By the mid 1970s, the San Francisco hardcore film scene had established itself as the most avant garde obsessed region of the three centers of X rated filmmaking centers (the other two being Los Angeles and New York). Most X rated films made in S.F. at the time were either tomes to the recently failed ideals of hippiedom or straight up weird and often surreal works.

Shot some time between December of 1974 and March of 1975, Easy Alice is one of the most poignant and fascinating documents of hardcore's own self loathing. Starring a cast of S.F. skin-flick veterans and providing a wonderful time capsule of the city by the bay's seedy porn underbelly, the film seems more autobiographical of its stars lives than anything else.
Joey (Joey Silvera essentially playing himself, who also told me he directed the film, although there is no credited director on this or any print) is an occasional porn star who lives with his girlfriend Carol (Linda Wong), who pleads with him to quit the business. He is called to the set of a sex film being shot in Oakland after resentful actor Paul (Paul Scharf) is accused by his co-star of being too rough. After the shoot is finished, Paul invites the egotistical Joey to take a walk in his shoes and the two spend the night drinking and lamenting their sad lives, while running into other freaks and urchins along the way.

This X rated cinema verite obscurity is a quite possibly the strongest and most powerful anti-porn film of its time and wisely presents its sex scenes with the same distancing nihilism that made the cinema of Gerard Damiano great. The entire movie is shot with a sometimes shaky hand held camera and features numerous John Cassavetes like scenes of improvisation.



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